Abiding in My Presence
Dwelling in My presence will be the new NORM for those who have made it their choice to abide in Me. You are in the final days of Christendom (the age of the church). Now I will do My work, My awesome work! “Look among the nations and watch — be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you” (Habakkuk 1:5).
I have told you that you might know and understand this work is an eternal work and one of the greatest works of all Christendom. Souls, souls are crying out for deliverance and to be prepared to welcome the Son of God as He returns to meet His beloved in the air. This is the great welcoming for the Son of God. Those who have been made ready will “love” His appearing and await His coming while they give their lives in winning souls. Who will join in the welcoming chorus, “He is coming soon”?