Psalms 91:14  “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

I marvel at so great a love as God has for his children.  Recently I experienced it under the most trying of conditions.  My husband of almost 60 years recently passed away suddenly.  We felt as if we were hit by a bolt of lightening.  I was sick with bronchitis and my body felt weak.  The minute we got the word, I was conscious of great arms wrapping around the family, all of our decisions, and the funeral arrangements.  Everything went off flawlessly—the fingerprints of our great God were seen in and on everything from beginning to end. I have never been so completely immersed or conscious of God’s love for my family and myself as I was at that time.

God is no respecter of persons (he loves us all) and I could see in a greater way, God’s love for the whole world, and that His love is reaching out to the wretched, the unloved, those in bondage, and anyone who is listening to His voice.  I know His spirit is going throughout the earth calling, “I love you – find your wholeness and abundance of life in me.”  The minute we call His name, He is there to succor us and reveal Himself to us.

My dear ones, we are living in a new paradigm of God’s timing for the world.  This period is one of the greatest of all time because it is paving the way for the coming of Jesus Christ.  My spirit is alive and aflame for the things that I know are about to take place.

Wake up body of Christ!  Don’t live your life as though the spirit is not calling you to attention and to action.  Wake up sojourner on this earth!  You have a destiny God called you to fulfill.  Will you dare to stand in His presence faking misunderstanding?  His voice is clear if you are in a listening and hearing mode.  God’s voice is not limited to your normal means of communication.  He will get your attention and if you heed Him, you will be blessed beyond any of your expectations.  He is making His children alive to His calling for each of us.

On our own, our potential is nil because what must be done, must be done by the spirit of God through us.  It is God’s plan for this people who occupy His earth at this critical hour.  All of us are called, but we must draw close to the master and belong to His family before we are entrusted with His work.  If you want to be a part call upon the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:6   flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit.  7   you should not be surprised at my saying, ‘you must be born again.’

John 15:5   “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.  This scripture is truth.  To become anything that has eternal value, we must be in Christ.  God clearly speaks that apart from Him we can do nothing (that counts for eternity).  Our value and use in God’s kingdom depends on how much of ourselves we give God.  A person totally dedicated to God and his will for his life, is going to produce more fruit and works than someone who is only minimally allowing Christ to be Lord of their life.  A merely religious person without the spirit of God as his guide and teacher will end up outwardly religious and full of “dead man’s bones within.”  Wake up!  God is calling you to the battle  of eternal life or eternal death.

We are seeing the threats of armies on the move, constant attacks of the enemies of the Lord, but God is in charge! We are to pray for God’s will to be done.  Protect Israel dear Lord!  Bring down all of your enemies!  Protect the word of God and give it free reign in our places of government, schools, etc.  This is not the hour for retreat,  but for us to attack satan and his destructions, and to be a part of God’s offensive army.

This is the hour to seek God for His highest and best in our lives.  The power and spirit of God must flow in us as never before because these are urgent and historic times.  We must draw close to our source of power and stay upon Him and His wisdom and understanding.  He is the “Mighty God” and He goes before us and nothing can defeat Him or those He blesses. 1Chronicles 29:11  yours, o Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, o Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.  12  wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.  13  now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.